A Sad Farewell
After 35 years we have been let go by the Family Cidrerie Viard in Bayeux, which we discovered on a trip to start our French Cider business. It is no longer a family business and, for unexplained reasons, does not wish to be represented in the UK market. The evocative packaging of 30 or more years featuring the Bayeux Tapestry was “upgraded” to a modern bland and totally unremarkable label. The product remained excellent but the “suits” had destroyed the pedigree. On a cheery note we have replaced this one Cidrerie with 2 Cidreries, Boissel a small “Fermier” producer and Cidrerie Fournier an Artisanal producer. The Fermier designation means that all the fruit is sourced from the Boisell orchards whilst the Artisanal is more a description of size and quality. Above that are the commercial large producers who follow the same rules but on a larger...
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We have just added 2 new Normandy cider suppliers and a new Brittany cider supplier. This adds to our range not only further Cidre Brut and Doux but also Organic Cidres, Rosé Cidres and single Varietal cidres, one each from Normandy and Brittany. We also bring onboard 3 new Poire cidres from light and fresh 2% to fuller bodied 5% and an Apple juice from Normandy and one from...
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